中美聯合衞理公會 Cabin John United Methodist Church

Open Hearts . Open Minds . Open Doors .
網上聚會時間 & 密碼 Meeting Time & ZOOM ID虛擬合唱 VIRTUAL CHOIR

English Worship: Sunday 10 a.m via Zoom

中 文 崇 拜: 周 日 11:30 a.m  

因新冠肺炎疫情 , 我們提供網上主日崇拜

Sunday School

The mission of our Sunday School program is to cultivate disciples of Christ through careful study and reflection on God’s word


We thank you
for supporting and giving to the ministries of the Cabin John United Methodist Church


Cabin John’s Youth Fellowship is a place where young people meet to learn to follow Jesus and become empowered in the name of Jesus